August 4 Planning Commission Meeting
~~ Watch live; In-person and online public participation options~~
PASCO COUNTY, FL ---- The Pasco County Planning Commission (PC) Meeting Thursday, August 4, 2022, at 1:30 p.m. in the Historic Pasco County Courthouse Boardroom in Dade City will be streamed online and broadcast live on Pasco Television. Members of the public can take part in the meeting in-person or virtually.
To participate in the Public Comment and/or Public Hearing section of the Agenda:
- Via WebEx during the meeting: You must pre-register by completing a Public Comment Form or by calling Customer Service at 727.847.2411 by 5 p.m. August 3, 2022.
- In Person: You can address the Board from the podium inside the boardroom.
You can also e-mail comments, and any supporting materials, to Please note, e-mails will be sent to Commission members; however, e-mails will not be read out loud at meetings and will not be included as part of official meeting records, unless authorized by the Commission.
To watch the live broadcast of the PC Meeting:
- Pasco TV Online
- MyPasco App
- Pasco County YouTube
- Frontier Channel 42
- Spectrum Channel 643
For more information about participating in PC meetings, please visit or contact Pasco County Customer Service at 727.847.2411.
Original source can be found here.